New non-strict mode


Currently, strict mode and non-strict mode infer different types for the same program. With this feature, strict and non-strict modes will share the local type inference engine, and the only difference between the modes will be in which errors are reported.


Having two different type inference engines is unnecessarily confusing, and can result in unexpected behaviors such as changing the mode of a module can cause errors in the users of that module.

The current non-strict mode infers very coarse types (e.g. all local variables have type any) and so is not appropriate for type-driven tooling, which results in expensively and inconsistently using different modes for different tools.


Code defects

The main goal of non-strict mode is to minimize false positives, that is if non-strict mode reports an error, then we have high confidence that there is a code defect. Example defects are:

Run-time errors: this is an obvious defect. Examples include:

Detecting run-time errors is undecidable, for example

if cond() then

It is undecidable whether this code produces a run-time error, but we do know that if math.abs("hi") is executed, it will produce a run-time error, and so report a type error in this case.

Expressions guaranteed to be nil: Luau tables do not error when a missing property is accessed (though embeddings may). So something like

local t = { Foo = 5 }
local x = t.Fop

won’t produce a run-time error, but is more likely than not a programmer error. In this case, if the programmer intent was to initialize x as nil, they could have written

local t = { Foo = 5 }
local x = nil

For this reason, we consider it a code defect to use a value that the type system guarantees is of type nil.

Writing properties that are never read: There is a matching problem with misspelling properties when writing. For example

function f()
  local t = {}
  t.Foo = 5
  t.Fop = 7

won’t produce a run-time error, but is more likely than not a programmer error, since t.Fop is written but never read. We can use read-only and write-only table properties for this, and make it an error to create a write-only property.

We have to be careful about this though, because if f ended with return t, then it would be a perfectly sensible function with type () -> { Foo: number, Fop: number }. The only way to detect that Fop was never read would be whole-program analysis, which is prohibitively expensive.

Implicit coercions: Luau supports various implicit coercions, such as allowing math.abs("-12"). These should be reported as defects.

New Non-strict error reporting

The difficult part of non-strict mode error-reporting is detecting guaranteed run-time errors. We can do this using an error-reporting pass that generates a type context such that if any of the x : T in the type context are satisfied, then the program is guaranteed to produce a type error.

For example in the program

function h(x, y)

an error is reported when x isn’t a number, or y isn’t a string, so the generated context is

x : ~number
y : ~string

In the function:

function f(x)

an error is reported when x isn’t a number or isn’t a string, so the constraint set is

x : ~number | ~string

Since ~number | ~string is equivalent to unknown, non-strict mode can report a warning, since calling the function is guaranteed to throw a run-time error. In contrast:

function g(x)
  if cond() then

generates context

x : ~number & ~string

Since ~number & ~string is not equivalent to unknown, non-strict mode reports no warning.

The context generated by a block is:

The constraint set generated by a typed expression is:

For example:


Error reporting. A straightforward implementation of this design issues warnings at the point that data flows into a place guaranteed to later produce a run-time error, which may not be perfect ergonomics. For example, in the program:

local x
if cond() then
  x = 5
  x = nil
the type inferred for x is number? and the context generated is `x
~string. Since number? <: ~string, a warning is issued at the declaration local x. For ergonomics, we might want to identify either string.lower(x) or x = 5` (or both!) in the error report.

Stringifying checked functions. This design depends on functions having overloads with error return type. This integrates with type error suppression, but would not be a perfect way to present types to users. A common case is that the checked type is the negation of the function type, for example the type of math.abs:

(number) -> number & (~number) -> error

This might be better presented as an annotation on the argument type, something like:

@checked (number) -> number

The type

   @checked (S1,...,SN) -> T

is equivalent to

   (S1,...,SN) -> T
   & (~S1, unknown^N-1) -> error
   & (unknown, ~S2, unknown^N-2) -> error
   & (unknown^N-1, SN) -> error

As a further extension, we might allow users to explicitly provide @checked type annotations.

Checked functions are known as strong functions in Elixir.


This is a breaking change, since it results in more errors being issued.

Strict mode infers more precise (and hence more complex) types than current non-strict mode, which are presented by type error messages and tools such as type hover.


Success typing (used in Erlang Dialyzer) is the nearest existing solution. It is similar to this design, except that it only works in (the equivalent of) non-strict mode. The success typing function type (S)->T is the equivalent of our (~S)->error & (unknown)->(T|error).

We could put the @checked annotation on individual function argments rather than the function type.

We could use this design to infer checked functions. In function f(x1, ..., xN) B end, we could generate the context (x1 : T1, ..., xN : TN) for B, and add an overload (unknown^(i-1),Ti,unknown^(N-i))->error to the inferred type of f. For example, for the function

function h(x, y)

We would infer type

  (number, string) -> ()
& (~number, unknown) -> error
& (unknown, ~string) -> error

which is the same as

  @checked (number, string) -> ()

The problem with doing this is what to do about recursive functions.


Lily Brown, Andy Friesen and Alan Jeffrey Position Paper: Goals of the Luau Type System, in HATRA ‘21: Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants, 2021.

Giuseppe Castagna, Guillaume Duboc, José Valim The Design Principles of the Elixir Type System, 2023.

Tobias Lindahl and Konstantinos Sagonas, Practical Type Inference Based on Success Typings, in PPDP ‘06: Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, pp. 167–178, 2006.